Executive Director

Executive Director

Ms. Nicole D. Osaghae

Nicole D. Osaghae assumed CECOM ILSC Executive Director responsibilities in August 2023. She is a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES) who oversees funding in excess of $1.2B. Located in 25 states and 7 countries, approximately 2000 ILSC employees provide integrated global logistics sustainment and acquisition support activities to enable globally dominant land force capabilities. Ms. Osaghae previously served as ILSC Deputy Director since April 2018, with a term as Acting Executive Director from September 2022 to January 2023. As the Acting CECOM ILSC Executive Director, Ms. Osaghae led 9 directorates that form the ILSC in core competencies of supply chain management, maintenance support planning, life cycle & logistics support, production & industrial base management, field training & technical assistance forward, repair, security assistance to partner nations, and communications security (COMSEC) logistics.

Deputy Executive Director

Deputy Executive Director

Mr. Abel Salgado



COL Cory Armstead